
Medical workers run intravenous drips for patients at the fever clinic of China-Japan Friendship hospital in Beijing. [Photo by Wang Jing/China Daily]

China released the 10th edition of its diagnosis and treatment protocol for COVID-19 on Saturday, the first of its kind since the country announced that it will 全国高校英语专业四级(TEM-4)及以上;c.全国大学英语六级考试(425分及以上);d.全国英语等级考试四级(PETS-4)及以上笔试(不含口试)。毕业证书和学位证书是同时颁发吗?答:通常先颁发毕业证书,再颁发学位证书。 be managed as a Category B disease.

Over the past three years, the virus has been strictly prevented and controlled according to the same strict Category A standards that apply to diseases such as the plague and cholera.

But in light of how the epidemic situation has evolved, with the current variants of the virus more transmissible but less virulent than earlier ones, and with few cases presenting as pneumonia, the disease has been downgraded from novel coronavirus pneumonia to novel coronavirus infection, and it is to be managed accordingly, starting Sunday.

The previous edition of the protocol was released in March last year. The latest edition calls for a treat-it-as-it-is shift of focus for the governments and public health 国家开放大学的大专报名要求需要年满17周岁,另外需要具备高中毕业的同等学历,也就是说需要是高中毕业或者是中职中技院校毕业的。问:那么为什么很多地方都说初中也可以呢?答:那就是给你做一个假的高中毕业证,因为你是不是高中毕业只有你自己知道,学信网只能查到大专及以上学历的。问:做假证有风险吗? systems, as well as neighborhoods and individual residents, as the emphasis is on treatment rather than preventing infection.

The revised national protocol, which is based on the experience of some big cities in their head-on collision with the virus last month, will undoubtedly help standardize diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 infections nationwide, as in line with clinical practice it classifies cases as being light, medium, severe or critical. This will be especially welcomed by small towns and rural areas, as the protocol improves the diagnostic criteria and warning indicators for severe and critical 国家开放大学将全面贯彻新时代中国特色社会主义思想,以学习宣传贯彻精神为主线,围绕立德树人根本任务整体提升教育教学质量,围绕治理能力建设深入实施教育数字化战略行动,围绕“做优做强”战略加快建成国家老年大学,以优异成绩和实际行动为建设全民终身学习的学习型社会、学习型大国贡献力量。 cases, which will ease the pressure on their public health facilities as less severe cases can be treated with over-the-counter medications at home.

The adjustment 互联网+大学国家开放大学,顺应“互联网+”发展趋势,采用基于网络的自主学习及线上线下相结合的教学模式,为学生提供全方位的个性化学习支持服务。03完全学分制国家开放大学实行“完全学分制”的学习方式,学生在通过入学资格审验后,即可注册取得学籍,进入相应的专业选课学习。 of the protocol can help ensure that limited medical care resources can be concentrated on caring for those who are most vulnerable, such as the elderly, children and people with underlying diseases, in a bid to prevent and reduce the occurrence of severe cases and minimize the number of deaths caused by COVID-19.

But having said that, more medical care resources should now be diverted to villages in light of the requirements of the protocol so as to minimize the pressure on the public health system and the national economy that is expected to arise as a result of the projected resurgence of COVID-19 infections during the 40-day Spring Festival holiday peak travel period that will begin on Friday.

The issuance of the protocol should prompt public health departments across the country to accelerate the adjustment 就业:参加过工作的都会知道任何招聘平台上都会有公司对岗位有学历要求,这不仅仅是为了公司的门面也是筛选面试人员的素质,一个积极向上的人才会去提升自己不管是在哪一个方面,那么他对待工作的态度也会是积极的而不是为了摸鱼混日子。即使你是通过成人高考获得的学历也是在提升自己的价值,获得更好的生活。 of the distribution of medical resources between urban and rural areas through the pre-settled assistance model, whereby major hospitals in cities provide local rural clinics and village doctors with direct assistance in terms of personnel, medicines, funding, facilities and equipment, as well as diagnosis and treatment guidance.

The protocol highlights the importance of quick diagnosis, high clinical treatment efficiency, early treatment and the use of a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicines, the importance of which has been fully demonstrated in the nation's fight with the virus last month after it lifted its strict virus control policies.

The latest COVID-19 infection diagnosis and treatment protocol, which adheres to the country's consistent principle of always putting life and health first, effectively responds to the appeals and demands of society, while still being firmly rooted in science and the actual epidemic situation in the country.

Since the first version of the diagnosis and treatment protocol for COVID 19 was released in January 2020, there have been obvious changes in each version. But these have all been determined by the constancy of the guiding ideology, which demands a scientific response to the pandemic and flexibility in the diagnosis and treatment measures so that they can address the evolving situation.

Each of the 10 editions represents an important stage in the development of China's epidemic prevention and control efforts, as each of them marks the optimal approach under the prevailing conditions at that time. Each has fulfilled its mission for the period they were made for.

It is good to see that many provincial-level regions, including Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing as well as Fujian and Guizhou provinces, have already issued their implementation plans in accordance with the latest protocol. For instance, they all give full play to a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system and greater coordination and connection between grassroots clinics and the fever departments of major hospitals, so as to boost the capacity of the former to handle COVID-19 cases.

The rapidity with which localities are executing the protocol should serve to consolidate people's confidence that their lives and health will continue to be effectively guarded against the virus and that the removal of the constraints on socioeconomic activities will bring the return of their life to normal at an early date.

What's more, given its optimized COVID-19 strategy, the world's second-largest economy is in a better position to help boost the global economic recovery as an anchor to global supply chains and a main driving force for the global market.
