
  Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

  Politicization has made scientific tracing of the origins of COVID-19 a difficult matter to conduct, observers said, after a World Health Organization (WHO) senior expert expressed frustration about the US' reluctance to share more information on tracing the origins of the disease.

  "If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it is essential for that information to be shared with the WHO and the international scientific community," WHO Director General 2022年之后成考所面临的改革趋势会怎样,未来的发展状况会怎样,这是许多正准备成考的人想了解的,也是关乎于每一位成考生能否顺利拿到毕业证的重要事情。成考改革后的发展趋势改革后,成考不仅考试变得越来越严格,也有许多高校也停止招生,那些还未停止招生的高校有一些也似乎在蠢蠢欲动。成考改革后后最大的问题就是招生院校和招生专业的缩减以及考试制度的严格规范。 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday.

  Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO's COVID-19 technical lead, tweeted on the same day saying she is "deeply frustrated" about the US not offering additional information from its reports assessing COVID-19's origins.

  "We [WHO] welcome the US' support in seeking the origins of the COVID-9 pandemic and in preventing future pandemics. What you are doing does not help us achieve this," Maria posted.

  "The origins tracing should be purely a matter of science, but since the beginning the issue has been mingled with politics. Driven by political interests, we've seen the US - from the accusations made by the FBI to the US Department of Energy - has never stopped politicizing the issue," a senior expert from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)所以,部分自学达到高中毕业文化程度的考生,也可以报成考。成人高考改革对考生会有哪些影响?近年来,关于成考将会进行改革的消息一直传得沸沸扬扬。可究竟变动什么、怎么变动、将会造成什么后果,你真的知道吗?下面我们一起看看!成人高考2023的改革已经是不可逆的趋势了。 told the Global Times, who requested anonymity.

  "On the issue of origins tracing, the US opted to pretend to be deaf in hearing fact-based responses from other countries, and it only wishes to investigate countries that the US suspects, but isn't allowing the international community to investigate itself for being a suspect on this matter," a Beijing-based expert specializing in US studies told the Global Times on condition of anonymity on Sunday.

  The US mind-set in dealing with the origins-tracing issue is exactly the same as how it copes with diplomatic issues - it always holds a hegemonic mentality as well as double standards. Allowing its intelligence community to be in charge of a matter of science clearly proves the US has been politicizing the issue, the expert noted.

  "Given the US intelligence 小编在这里建议大家,如果想进行提升自身学历的话,让自身升职加薪,走上人生巅峰的话,那么赶紧报2023年成人教育(成考、开放学习、自考),将是你这一生当中政策最好的一年!提早咨询报名,早选热门专业!早报名,早学习,早毕业!成考改革,这是近些年来很热门的话题。教育改革其实已经不是一天两天的事了,成考面临改革也是必然的趋势。community's track record of making up stories, there is little, if any, credibility in their conclusions. The US will not succeed in discrediting China by rehashing the 'lab leak' theory, but will only hurt the US' own reputation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning refuted on Wednesday.

  The US has been disregarding questions and concerns from the international community about its Fort Detrick and military biological labs around the world. Instead, it has been busy confusing right and wrong by making use of its loud voice and dominance of discourse power, experts said.

  The FBI recently claimed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province. The Wall Street Journal on February 26 also reported exclusively that the US Energy 现在文件中给出了一个具体的时间,就是从发布之日到2022年底就要进行逐步落实举措。基本可以判断为2023年的成人高考之时就将是改革措施落地的第一年。各位同学们请务必要早些做好相应的准备,对于课程学习都需要将进行提前进行才更加稳妥一些。 Department had concluded that "the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak." However, the report was even labeled as being made with "low confidence" by the Energy Department itself, media reported earlier.

  Tedros also said on Friday that"the continued politicization of the origins research has turned what should be a purely scientific process into a geopolitical football, which only makes the task of identifying the origins more difficult, and that makes the world less safe."

  The politicization of the origins tracing has made the science-based investigation difficult to conduct, hindering the efforts of scientists, virologists and health experts around the world to find out the truth, a Chinese member of the WHO-China joint team told the Global Times on Sunday.

  China attaches great importance to and actively participates in global traceability scientific cooperation, but to solve this serious and complex scientific issue, global scientific cooperation is needed, the member expert said, calling for an open and transparent attitude from individual countries on this matter.


